First up, the Cruel Angel warrior, take one part Evangellion, one part Star Ocean 2, and this is what you get.

Ok, this one is a remake of my Comic Avatar basicly fooling around with posing.

This one also is my comic avatar, standard positioning though....

Ahhh... generic character featuring a weapon I call the lock blade, hmmm... I think i was going with a chain moteif on this.

Yes, this is one of my sketches of the early days of my character in FFXI, heh... I don't like axe weapons much anymore though.

I play way too much disgaea to forget my current favorite class, the ronin, they whomp ass.

I was playing around with cloth and folding, damn I love scarves....

Oh, yes and how would this collection ever be complete without my favorite Soul Reaver, Raziel.

Yes... suck those souls my pritty.....