
Well... by now you all are proabbly wondering where the heck the next comic is, and well... I dunno what to say exactly cept sorry... I'm trying right now to deal with two very late programming assignments, as well as a large ammount of writing in another class, and frankly, it's just taking all my time. I'd love to do another comic fro you and put it up but there just hasn't been the time, if I get the time over the vacation next week I'll do something to make it up for you, who knows I might even try to color a comic....

Side note: Extra thanks to my roommate for the nifty new site, isn't it pretty folks?


Well ok, here is the new comic, sure it's a little late, but well I got it up, next comic will be wednesday or friday, depending on both inspriation and a oral report on the Ndembu I gotta do on thursday, sigh.... such is the pain of the college level courses..... Side note: Extra thanks to my roommate for the nifty new site, isn't it pretty folks? -Simon


Well... I'm back and the site is back, finally.... I plan to get another update by monday done, but no promises, school is tougher than ever and I've got a ton more work to deal with on top of that.... Oh well.......

- Simon

 October 26, 2002 - "And we're back on air..."
I have finally gotten back to the comic, it's been a long and annoying test of my will to get this going again. Let's sufice it to say that I lost my password to the FTP and page so I couldn't update anything, I currently I have backlog of 2 comics now uploaded, so I'm going to add something like a status bar letting everyone know how many comics I can remain ahead of things. Also I'm making teh update shedual the following MWF you'll get a new Simonsworld comic, and on Sundays you'll get the next installment of Echoes in the Darkness.. ok, gotta get back to drwaing stuff, may add a Sketch book page soon to cover my doodles.


September 17, 2002 - "It's been... one week...."
I'm borred, haven't thought up much comic wise, gota  paper due tomarrow or so... going crazy, actually now that I think about it I do have a minro comic idea that I've been working on, kinda lame, but well... we'll see, I may just put up something I've doodled, assuming it is much better than the comic idea... also... I am adding a link now to my Live Journal so you can read the madness as often as you wish possibly more often than even here.


September 10, 2002 - "I'm Back!" or "How to fall off the face of the earth without even trying"
Well... I'm now at college, which is fun fun fun! And I'm updating now, as to how often at the moment, but for now, enjoy ^_^.


August 14, 2002 - Status: Cleaning....
Ok, comic is up, may be the only one this week after all.... I don't know if I'll have enough time, since my mother has now declared that my WHOLE room, not just the floor areas, but the closet and other things, must be clean by friday or I'm being left home for the family vactation, and she'll do it too.... well.... wish me luck guys...


August 13, 2002 - Status: Almost... there... just a little more...
Ok, got teh rough of the next comic up, I'm really really really sorry it's taking so long, between runnig out of ideas to now needing to clean my room and pack for the next year of college, I've been swamped... I should be able to get up at least 1 to 2 more comics this week I think, and next week I'm going to try to do some vactatino sketches, but taht is dependent on inspiration and how much time I'll have, I won't be able to access the web while I'm away... then after that is one day then back to school... after that I should once settled be able to start updating regularlly again... once again I'm very sorry it's taking this long... and i hate it because I was finally getting a larger ammount of viewers... well... please have patience and hang in there, I'm not dead yet!


August 12, 2002 - Status: Artists/Writers(I do both darn it!) Block....
Ok, this is really poor, I think I may now have a vauge idea of how to approach this next comic... I'm moving into a flash bacak folks, you see... Sushi and Katrina (The Aeris Clone for those who would accuse me of ripping off FF7, no she's not Aeris nor modeled after here, I just happenes to like the idea of big jewels of magic, k?) met about 5 years ago, when this whole thing happened, that will lead us back to current events. Ok, there may be a comic today, if I don't get it up, I'll try for double comics for tomarrow.... if that fails... well.... I'll do something really really spectacular like... I dunno... i'll think of something... perhaps an outline of the greater dieties of Echos in the Dark... yeah.... I could do that...... ok, sleepy time....

-Simon .

August 11, 2002 - Status: So very Tired....
Ok, no comic today, unless inspiration hits while I'm at work, I was just to freaking tired to come up with something yesterday... but there will be one tomarrow... one thing I have been working on is I've been drawing some more of teh characters for Echo's In the Dark, can't, gimme a little time I'll have them up here somewhere... Also, please do keep reading, and if you have questions... comments... etc.... just ask, ok, Ciao!


August 10, 2002 - OMG!!!
I checked the stats for the page recently... 500+ visits!!! I've now beaten my all time high for # of people viewing my comic in one day. THANKS!!! Also, todays comic well... needless to say, I'm still not quite happy with it, but it's at a point where I feel I can put it up, because the story must go on. Also I compeltely forgot but recently I've been suffering total connection loss from my cable modem fro days at a time (another reason for few updates this week) so as fair warning it may happen again.... Well.... keep on visiting, and I'll keep on making comics, both the angst drama laden Echo's in the Dark (due to get it's own site soon.... I hope) and of course the funny, bizzare, and strange world that is Simonsworld ^_^. Bai!


August 9, 2002 -
Hmmm... well... I need to explain the sudden disappearence of me, and that is... well... between the next comic not turning out looking great and needing to be redrawn... and also I was finishing up the last and worst week of my summer Calc 2 class... (and to run out into a field afterwards to stake my calc 2 book to the ground then set it aflame) I really didn't come up with anything... but today I have for you all a treat... page 2 of Echos in the Dark, enjoy comic if I'm good for the rest of the day will be up tomarrow and once again dailyish.... TTFN, oh and thanks to Ian McConiville for the linkage ^_^. See his most excellent comic at Machall


Ok, it's about 8pm where I am, East coast time. I said the comics would be up by 6pm, but I wasn't counting on getting into Ragnarok Online again... well... they are up now, and I am very sorry that it took so long. Included with the normal simonsworld comic is the first comic in my new series "Echos in the Dark". It stars the character Azmodel, and unlike Simonsworld, I plan on making this a very dramatic and less comical story. Also, I do not plan to write thw whole story, at certain points I will request taht teh readers send in plots and scripts and etc. and they will control the story for that time. Sounds fun doesn't it?

Comic will be later than a few hours, I'm just not working right... it keeps turning out looking like crap, I need to sleep since I have my Calc 2 midterm tomarrow, I'll try to get both cimcs up tomarow afternoon around 6pm, sorry about the delay.

July 25, 2002 -
Ok, today's comic may be an hour or two late... I kinda took a mental health (didn't wake up in time to make my bus) day from summer school, and I've been recooperating and doing somethings that needed doing around the house. I'm just now at 11:40pm on the 24th sitting down todraw the next comic. But... to make it up to you guys, I'm also going to include the first comic of a new series I'm working on, Echos in the Dark. Enjoy.

- Simon

July 21, 2002 -
Dare I say it? Yes I dare... WIIGII!! Welcome all of you to the site, I guess this is my week to be spotlighted on the Keenime Dropdown, nifty huh? in honor of this I'm initiating the hopefully near consistant series of updating this page and putting up comics on a regular basis... As for todays, it's the start of a short little strip series mostly featuring how I figured out how to draw breasts on female characters finally... as Sushi says, "Took me long enough". Also for those who don't understand the floating glasses in the last pannel, those are the representation of me as the artist and creator/god of the comic. Yes, My avatar is a pair of giant glasses with eye brows... no laughing... really... Ok, well enjoy teh comics, and please if you find something offending, please let me know, I want to hear from my audience, no matter how big or small you are.

- Simon

July uhh.... 10, 2002 -
Well... yep no comics, I'm working on remodeling the site, but I have been drawing some comics, I'll get them up soon, and also, I took another test, this one is a roleplaying sterotype one, and here are the results:

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at . [Angel.]

July 2, 2002 -
Well... no comic for today, why? because I'm working, I got home yesterday from work at 6pm, and I was in no condition to make a comic, and today I'm working starting at 7am! That means I have to wake up at... at least 6am to get there... so I won't be able to really put any effort into a comic then, but I should be able to make a comic for wednsday, though it could be a little late in the day, we'll see...


June 30, 2002 -
Wheeeeooooooo!!! Clayton has graduated, things are looking good at the moment, I've got at least one more comic already uploaded, so I guess I'll need to do a few more tonight or tomarrow. I am planning to revamp the look of the site sometime before I have to get back to school, but first I need to consult with Soojin, the great and mighty master of all that is web page/ web comicness... so I'll keep you all updated on the progress of that. Hmm... is there anything else I need to mention... why yes... yes there is... I just found (again) a great web manga that has a special kinda of quality to it... it's kinda endearing storywise It's called Celly's Wings and it's located at  StarLine Productions . It updates every couple of months or so, but the story is so good, I can't resist going back ^_^.


June 27, 2002 -
First, I am soooo sorry that I missed updating on wednsday, so I'm putting up a comic for wednsday and for friday, and there is already a comic uploaded for saturday, expect near daily assuming I'm not exhausted, and also... thought I'd mention it now, but Clayton the guys who's rant is bellow this box and Soojin's is graduating from High School on the 30th, so let's give him a big round of applause, despite the fact he'll never hear us... ok, I've said my peice...


June 25, 2002 -
 Ok, I "may" be able to get the comic done for tomarrow, dpending on if I can get back into that comic making mood... right now I've been working on making banners and buttons for the comic, I want more people reading this stuff! So, with out firther adu, I present:


5. Run Around your Town Screaming "Read Simon's World!!"
4. Go to all your friends and bug them to read the comic until they do.
3. Use special mutant abilities to hypnotise people into reading the comic.
2. Buy time on your local tv station and put ads for the comic on it.
1. Send me lot's of money... wait... that won't increase viewship... but it will make me happy ^_^

Also while I'm talking here, might as well mention yet another interesting comic that has caught my attention, Poison Wind the artwork is really neat and so far the story has kept me wanting more.. check it out!


June 24, 2002 -
What did I say? Comic by today, and of courseI came through, a few hours late, but hey, you got yourselves a comci, I'll try for the next one by tomarrow, but it may be wednsday till i get it up ^_^.


June 20, 2002 -
Quick update, first of a few comics up, maybe a comic tomarrow, next definately by monday. Check out Captain SNES cause it freaking rules.


June 18, 2002 -
Well... I decided what the heck, it's only the money that's going to go to paying off those loans that I'll be wear around my neak like a milstone once I graduate from college, and I got a new scanner, so starting hopefully tomarow, friday at the latest, expect new comics!


June 14, 2002 -
No word from anyone yet... which saddens me, I feel abandoned... but none the less... there appears to be a new comic forming check it out, link is at the bottom of the page, it's called Writer's Block and it's being done by teh crazy crew of Self-Insert! Most Excellent!


June 12, 2002 -
Ok, getting the money for the scanner is not going well... I'm just getting enough hours at work to make enough to get anew scanner of any quality.. so I'm sending out this request, if you think you'd be willing to donate towards getting me a new scanner, please send me an e-mail, if I get enough in responces I'll sign up at paypal and you can donate there, I think the scanner is going to run about $100. once again please send me e-mail if you would do it. It wouldn't even have to be much of a donation $5 or even less... my e-mail once again is thanks everyone.


May 26, 2002 - Update!
ok, I still don't have a scanner and it looks like I'm going to have to replace mine. Sigh... ok, that's about it, but also I'm adding in that I just took a Bishounen Test and this is the results..

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at by Rin .


May 13, 2002 -
Sorry Folk, Today is my Finals day, and I have Two Count them, Two Finals today, nand theya re really nasty, so I've been studying for them instead of working on the comic for today. Now, I realise how selfish this is, but it's something I had to do and I'm sorry for those of you expecting a comic... So I'm going to make it up to you, Wednsday, Thrusday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday expect comics for this week, I'm giving myself an extra day before this mad rush of comics, because I'm leaving to go home from school on tuesday. On cooler news, I'm going to go see Metropolis when I get back home, a really insteresting looking Anime, thouhg the plot is kinda vauge so far, I hope it's good. That's about all for today, once again, look for comics daily starting on wednsday till sunday. Till then, Bai Bai.


UPDATE!!! Ummm... bad news guys, it's going to actually now be a few weeks till you get to see a new Simon'sWorld Comic... the lamp on my scanner appears to have burnt out... so, unless I can find another scanner to use, it's going to take awhile to get it replaced. Sorry, I'll keep you all updated on the status of my poor poor scanner....


May 9, 2002 -
Whee... so how is everyone enjoying the new comics, I'm experimenting a little with the style and stuff, but this is goig to be the way things for for a good time now, I think i found a level of art work that looks good and doesn't taek forever. Also, for those of you who don't know Reset is shutting down, or at least ending, TDC is going to keep the site up, but in about 3 weeks or so, there will be no more Reset comics, which saddens me because it was a really cool comic. I am currently approaching teh end of my first year of college and boy has it beena  doozey, from English to Software Porgramming, nothing was easy or simple, but I think the fact I'm still here and breathing says at least something, not sure quite what, but definately something. Keep on truck'n and so will I. Expect consistant updates on mondays, wednsdays, and fridays, with the occasional announced sundays from now on, that is unless I am run over by a truck or something in which case it will take a little time for the great will of the universe to reset me ^_^.


April 30, 2002 -
Arg!I'm suffering from major comic artist's block, I need to find a way to continue what's happening in the comic, but for now, I'm out of ideas, so you'll just get some random stuff for awhile while I think about this, but yes, I plan on trying to come up with something every now and then (Aproximately once a week) until I can hash out the next couple of scripts and stuff. Also I've created a Forum for those of you interested in posting there, It's really the Soojin Nikki Forum, but I added a section for my comic too cause I'm running it ^_^ have fun, make friends, play Dance Dance Revolution ^_^


April 11, 2002 -
Sorry to deviate from the storyline, but oh this seemed to appropriate.And Also, if you haven't checked it out yet, check out  RealLife one of the funniest geek related comics I read on a regualr basis.

April 5, 2002 -
More is up now, slowing getting back up to speed, I'm going to fill in as time goes on. Looking for fun check out Soojin's Comic, it's sooooo Nifty!

Soojin's Site:

March 31, 2002 -
Woo Hoo! I return! I'm going to be updating again on a regular basis for you fans of my strange and warped visions. I'm going to follow a Monday, Wednsday, Friday Squedual. So, be happy happy, and enjoy each new comic as it appears ^_^.


Janurary 15, 2002 -
Well... I got's good news and bad news... which should I tell first? umm... ok bad new... no new comics yet, Soojin is still working on fitting in doing the comic into her busy week with impacting anything that could be bad. Good news, she's still on the case and will soon (eventualy) be able to start making the comics, I've been using this time to brainstorm things and well... the ideas just keep flowing... well... that's it for now. TTFN.


Janurary 10, 2002 -
Yep, finally updating this page, and no there won't be a new comic for a bit, I've decided to make a big transition in the comic, I'm not going to be doing to artwork any more, well... not on a regualr basis, maybe if I come up with something really cool I'll put it up, but now It is my pleasure to introduce the new artist of SimonsWorld, Soojin, the same person whoes guest comic just graced this page. I'm currently working with her on the details and getting ready to start producing comics again. Well.. that's the big update. Also working on the crossover with Reset so more fun is on the way.

December 26, 2001 -
Working on more comics, putting up guest comic of three parts, starting tomarrow, also preping surprise for new years.


December 20, 2001 -
Yay! I'm back and I've got at least 4 comics done and scanned in, the current storyline is ending son to move into what I'm calling teh evil twin saga. Following that will be the end all of crossovers that truely rock! Simonsworld meets Reset! Woot! Oh, and Major Thanks to all of you comming from Adventurers, via the link for teh crossover! I hpoe you stick around, things are going to rock!


December 14, 2001 -
Well... I'm not going to have another comic ready for a good couple of days still, so I'm putting this up, for your general enjoyment, a short story of sorts, please let me know if you like it. Kellic's Tale


December 11, 2001 - I'm back and I'm going to need maybe a another day or tow to figure out exactly what the heck is going to happen next in the comic. You see unlike amny well writen and thouhgt out comics you see on the web, mine is usually written on the fly whenever inspiration hits, or when I think of something mildly amusing. So if a comic seems, "rushed" it is. If a comic lacks the necessary humor, well... it my professors faults, they are giving me lots of evil stuff to do that saps my creativity. Till next time.


December 10, 2001 - Just a quick notice to all you out there in cyberspace, no comic for today, possibly tomarrow or the day after, finals are approaching and I have a lot of projects to complete, I'll see what I can do, but no promises on consistant updates in teh comming week, but next week expect constatn updates, and the same goes for the next month after that since I will be home. So have fun, Study hard, and Live.


December 9, 2001 -
Today I decided that I was going to put up an image I was sent that was just too cool to keep to the fanart page. It was made by a very good friend of mine Soojin . It is a picture of teh full main cast fo Simonsworld, thouhg I'm not telling where or where they will show up for the moment. That's all for now, till next time.


December 5, 2001 -
Ok, update on things, not much changing,  comics should be near daily (or when I feel like it, thouhg I really enjoy  daily) I've been watching the sites stats and I'm happy to see all of you  newbies to the site, I hope you like the comic, I put a lot of work into each carefuly crafted plot hole, and blatent impossibility. We got a new bit of artwork from Brennon Ludwig again! YAY! it's of the battle between Killroy and Simon, check it out, I think it looks cool. Comming soon in the store is a new design for a cap.


December 1, 2001 -
Yep Cameo Day, I figured since my character is stuck in a game based world why not bring in a few other game based characters. We have ... Karn and Ardam from Adventurers! Tempest from Reset! Largo from Megatokyo! The Hero from RPGWorld! and last but not least we have Black Mage and Fighter from 8-Bit Theater! Well, for everyone with a cameo appearence in the comic I'm going to get e-mails out to you guys as soon as I can, sorry I didn't let you know in advance. To everyone one else, keep on trucking, listen to good anime music (I do), and have fun till next time.


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